SqueezeCenter 7.3: you can use the repository URL in the web Extension Downloader interface instead of manually unzipping the plugin.
Releases for SqueezeCenter 7.2 or newer are available here.
KitchenTimer allows you to set multiple countdown timers on a Squeezebox,
as you might do when cooking. When the "soonest" timer has 2 minutes
remaining, KitchenTimer will come to life on your Squeezebox's screen
(not the Controller/Duet) and show the final countdown. When the time
is up, KT will make sure music is playing on your Squeezebox and will
change the volume down and up repeatedly (and flash the countdown a bit)
, until you cancel, pause, or extend the alarms that have elapsed.
- Multiple timers -- set one for the first batch of cookies, another
for the second, etc.
- The ability to name & save alarms (Lasagna == 55 minutes,
Oatmeal cookies = 10 min, etc.)
- Pause any running timer
- Extend any timer (even one that's elapsed)
- Shorten any time that's still running
- Logic prevents your screensaver from kicking in when displaying
a countdown screen
- Screensaver (rotates through all current timers, both active
and paused)
If you set KitchenTimer as an automatic/timed screensaver, it will
only display if there is at least one active or paused timer
for that client. So you can set KitchenTimer in your rotation and only
see countdown info when there's info to show. If you press a 1-9 button
to request KitchenTimer's screensaver manually and there are not active
timers, KitchenTimer will show a brief message to that effect.
Adding a new timer:
- Navigate to the Extras menu, and select KitchenTimer
(if you have ContextMenu installed,
you can also access KitchenTimer from the context menu)
- Press right (or press your Boom knob) on Add a new timer
- Scroll up or down to set the time (minimum 15 seconds)
- Press right (or press your Boom knob) and your Squeezebox will
show a "Name timer" screen. You can back-arrow to the first character
and choose a more descriptive name if you wish, or simply
press right (or press your Boom knob) to start the timer.
If you choose a more descriptive name, that name + duration will
be saved as a "custom timer" for later use.
Using a previously named/saved timer:
- Navigate to the Extras menu, and select KitchenTimer
(if you have ContextMenu installed,
you can also access KitchenTimer from the context menu)
- Scroll up or down to "Custom timers"
- Scroll up or down to the timer you want to use
- Press right (or press your Boom knob) to start the timer
Checking on your timers:
- Navigate to the Extras menu, and select KitchenTimer
(if you have ContextMenu installed,
you can also access KitchenTimer from the context menu)
- Scroll to Current timers and press right (or press your Boom knob)
- Scroll up or down to check the timers
- You can press right (or press your Boom knob) when looking at
a timer countdown screen to see the options to Pause/Unpause, Cancel,
Shorten, or Extend the timer. If the timer has been named/saved, you
will also see an option to delete that saved timer (and cancel the
currently running instance)
Features planned but not yet implemented:
- For Squeezebox Boom, overlay a simple Beep Beep tone instead of
continually changing the volume
- The ability to display countdowns (and possibly sound alarms) on
Squeezeboxes other than the one the alarm was created on
- A nice Web UI for managing alarms
Features not planned:
- Controller support. At this point KitchenTimer is geared toward
Squeezeboxes with big, readable VFD displays.
Other plugins - Home
$Id: KitchenTimer.html,v 1.3 2008/11/15 16:28:57 peterw Exp peterw $